Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal

So I recently partnered up with Ali’i Nani Aesthetic Medicine to try out laser hair removal. I have wanted to get this procedure done but was so nervous for some reason (probably because I didn’t know what it would feel like). I went in and did a consultation first and asked so many questions like:

  1. How long does it take?

Answer: 15 mins depending on area

2. On a scale from 1-10 how bad is pain typically?

level 7 in bikini area where I got it done

3. When will I notice results?

Immediately. Some hair won’t grow back but other hair won’t have received treatment from laser due to different growth cycles within your hair.

4. How many sessions will I need to do?

depends. maybe 3, maybe 6

5. Can people with blonde hair do it or no?

Not really. It works best on dark, coarse hair. Which I have in certain regions.

I decided to try it out. Before I tell you how procedure goes, remember to shave at least a couple days before and no waxing or tweezing for at least a month.

OK so, Yes it was an annoying random pain for like a few minutes when it started. Certain parts hurt more than others. Honestly, the minute she would pull the laser off there wasn’t any pain at all. People describe it as rubber bands popping on your skin. I was cracking jokes the whole time to keep my mind off it. The nurse was so gentle and so patient and I felt comfortable the whole time. Afterwards, the skin looks sunburnt and raised slightly. That went away for me in like 2 hours.

After a week I already noticed about 1/4- 1/3 of hair gone and everything else is growing back very slowly. She said to wait a few months and then come back. She doesn’t like to make a patient come back so frequently especially if the growth cycle hasn’t changed because then you won’t zap any new hairs.

If someone asked me if I would recommend this treatment. YESSSS! Especially living in Hawaii it is a must. I hope this cleared up some of your questions about laser hair removal and eased your mind. I know some of you had messaged me saying you’ve wanted to get it done too but were on the fence; hope this eases your mind. Heres to hair-free skin and feeling good on the beach.


Ashlee Rose

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