Memorial Day Weekend









It was so nice having a long weekend and getting to enjoy it with new friends. The weather was great and the water was warm so what more could you ask for?!

Besides chillin on the beach and drinking a cold, my husband and I found out that Oahu does a memorial ceremony where they light lanterns and float them in the ocean to honor those on Memorial Day or for families who have lost loved ones or even if you just want to float a lantern for the experience. The ceremony begins at Ala Moana beach park and has music, speakers, and activities going on throughout the day. Thousands of people gather to be a part of this special ceremony. The actual lighting lanterns and sending them off begins at sundown and to say its pretty moving is an understatement. The lights in the ocean really take your breath away and being surrounded by people who are crying and trying to heal from losing loved ones is quite a powerful sight. Its a very spiritual and emotional event and I highly recommend it if your are able to catch it. We didn't wait in line to get a lantern this year because we just wanted to watch but if you do decided you want a lantern GET THERE EARLY!! The lines are crazy long and people even camp out in line.

All in all my first MDW in Oahu was pretty great! Nothing beats friends, beer, cold sandwiches, and laughing at the beach. Hope everyone enjoyed there long weekend and thanks to those who have or are serving our country.


Ashlee Rose